All that you need to get started

You can use DPN with or without our app. You can also mix-and-match: Register through the app and using service without it, and vice-versa.

Both ways are quite simple and straightforward as you’ll see below.

Use with the DPN app


Install the app from Google Play or Apple Store.


Follow the procedure to register your mobile number with the DPN system.
This includes verifying your number via code sent by SMS.


Set some default behaviors, or skip this step.


You got assigned your DPN-number and you can see it in the app.


Start using DPN.

If you plan to use it exclusively with the DPN app installed, you’ll have some benefits compared to direct (telephony-only) usage:

  • We will provide you with the history of dialed, missed and received calls, together with original caller-IDs
  • App will allow you to dial-out anonymously without the need to type in the gateway + target number(s). Your original phone-book is integrated (but not imported, for privacy reasons), and when you choose to dial, your phone’s address book is presented while dialing the gateway and instructing it to use the target number are automatic. 
  • When receiving calls via app (depends on default behavior set), you have several options what to do with the incoming call, including accept, reject with beep, reject with voicemail-to-email, reject with DnD/Not available…
  • Mind it that, if for some reason app cannot activate on incoming call (for example: Your Android or iOS is overloaded or processing some other things heavily at the time) it is good to have the default behavior for app-not-available set to “receive on the phone directly” or “reject the call” with one of the possible methods

Use with phone-only


Register your mobile number via SMS. Send SMS with text REG to <number>.


You will receive your DPN-number in the return-SMS from the system/


You may dial out by calling <number> + <target-number>. Receiver of the call will only see our gateway number (<number>).


You may start receiving calls from other people without revealing your number by giving out our incoming gateway number (<number>) + <your extension>


Use DPN whenever you don’t want to expose your number!


Change options via SMS. See “Use SMS commands” below.

Using SMS commands

When using without the app, you can set some preferences/defaults and options by sending SMS to the system-number <system-number>.

You may use these SMS commands also in addition to using the app (they will perform the same tasks). We are assuming that it’s more convenient via the app, if you’ve installed it, but that might not always be the case.

Those commands/options are:

REG - “Register”

Used for initially registering with the system and receiving your DPN-number/extension. If you forget your extension, you can always send REG again. It will recognize a registered number and will re-send you your DPN-number/extension, for your convenience.

UNREG - “Unregister”

Your DPN-number is uncoupled from your mobile number and you’ve effectively unregistered from the system. You can no longer use DPN until you REG again.

DNDNR - “DnD Not reachable”

When set, calls will not be bridged to you and you’ll appear as not reachable on this number/extension.
This acts as an ON/OFF switch. When sent next time, DnD will be disabled and calls will go through.
After setting or unsetting the option, SMS is received with the current status of this service.

DNDVM - “DnD Voice-mail” (to email)

When set, calls will not be bridged to you and your voicemail will switch on automatically. This voicemail is sent to the email that you’ve specified in MYEMAIL (optional). If it was never set, DNDVM will send back an SMS with the message “No email specified, please set it with MYEMAIL”.
This acts as an ON/OFF switch. When sent next time, DnD will be disabled and calls will go through.
After setting or unsetting the option, SMS is received with the current status of this service.

MYEMAIL - “Set my email”

This sets your email address for voicemail-to-email (and enables this functionality by setting it), account recovery, etc. Instead of “”, you should type an email address that you are the owner of.
Consider that this might be sensitive and verify once again that you’re the only owner/reader of this mail address if you’re using DPN for sensitive activities.
System will respond with a message saying: “Email is now associated with this phone-number”.

This account-detail is optional. You may use the service without it, but voicemail will not be possible to be switched on.
If you’ve already set your email in any possible way, and send this SMS instruction, the following may occur:
1) If you’ve sent new message with your already set email address to the same one, you’ll receive SMS back saying “This email address is already in use”
2) If you’ve set the new email address, you’ll receive SMS saying “Your email is set to”
3) If you send “MYEMAIL DEL”, any previously assigned email address will be deleted from your account and you won’t be able to receive voicemail-to-email until you set it up again. You’ll receive an SMS saying “No email associated with this phone-number”.

Place a call via DPN

When using DPN app, simply go to either address-book, direct dial or history sections in the app and select who you want to call. 

When choosing the address-book, we’re not importing it into DPN-app, but are instead opening your phone’s address-book, so there are no worries about synchronizing your contacts. 

You may save some of those contacts in your “DPN favorites”. These favorites are then not shared with the phone’s operating system, but are DPN-specific.


When calling directly from your phone’s dialer, dial <premium number>, wait for system prompt, then type destination number. That’s it!


Receive a call via DPN

To receive calls via DPN number/extension, users should leave their DPN dial-in number plus their extension to the party which they expect might be calling them.

This is done in the format: <dpn-dial-in-number>, Extension: <five-digit-extension>

There are various settings on the DPN system on how DPN users might receive their calls, including:

  • Receive always in the app, when app running
  • Receive always in the phone directly
  • DnD (Do not Disturb) with sending back “out of reach”
  • DnD with sending caller directly to voice-mail (to email)

If you installed the DPN app, some of those options will be presented on the screen showing incoming calls.
